Marko's Devlog

Hello, I’m Marko.

In this Devlog I will discuss everything I went through while working on this project.

First, I worked on the Enemies’ AI.

I started working on the script and quickly realized I underestimated the difficulty of this mechanic. I started working on the prototype script, where the enemy is just moving towards the player. I needed a lot more than that and the time was running short, so I took the script that was given to us (thanks John). The enemies have 2 states – Roaming and Move towards player. I took the script, I had lots of issues with it. That’s when I realized I should’ve used Navigation Mesh.


We also needed the enemies to attack. To do that I set an “OnTriggerEnter” and Exit function which has a variable in it, that acts as damage to player. It was not the best solution, but sure it was fast. After many attempts and balancing of enemies, it was time to import assets. I searched through multiple websites that have 3D models and found one that was most fitting (Orc Warrior by Callan McEntee - Sketchfab). The model was imported and animated in Mixamo. We got Walking, Running and Attack animations. Then in the animator controller, bools were created to control the order of the animations. After all that, the enemies were tested on a level, together with the player multiple times. At the end they ended up working as intended with minor issues.


Secondly, I worked on a level design for one of the levels

I imported similar assets (from Kenney – Mini Arena) to the ones Vien used to make his level from. This was also a task I underestimated the difficulty for, since we only really had one mechanic to work off from.

At the start of the level, I made a parkour sequence with a hidden object that needs to be dragged to a certain position. That didn’t work out in the end, so I had to modify it to suit the level differently. The player has to drag objects in a spot to later jump on same objects to get to the other side of the level. Then, 2 objects have to be put onto 2 buttons simultaneously so that a gate opens, which leads the player to the next part of the level.

 In the next part, player has to stand on a platform, which opens the door in front of an object that needs to be put on another platform which opens the door for the next level. This may sound confusing, but it is quite simple. I didn’t want to repeat the same thing in the level over and over again, so I had to make it smaller than first intended. The general aesthetics of the level are consistent and work well together and the objective is clear.


Finally, I worked with my team in GitHub. We pushed and pulled commits and resolved a few conflicts we had (in VS code). I also created a script for general UI which we did not end up using.

To sum this up, it was quite a challenging project. Working in groups has its pros and cons. There is more people to get the job done, but sometimes we cannot agree on a solution together. Yet, I think we managed to do a good job this time. I think everyone learned something new while working on this assignment, which is always good. 

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