Level Design(Vien)

Hello, I am Vien, and I oversaw the majority of the level design for our game about Borders alongside fellow level designer Patryk. 

We decided to go for low poly art style because there are loads of nice assets on the website https://kenney.nl/ the GOAT. I grabbed a few low poly assets from the unity store for some extra assets and skyboxes. We decided to create a puzzle game where you had to explore a level and drag movable objects on certain colliders that will have either spawn an object or open a door. All the while you are being chased by enemy AI.

This is the top-down planning layout for the tutorial level. I wanted to create a simple level that will teach players the core mechanics of our game. As you can see in the image, when a player steps on a red platform it will spawn a movable object. That movable object is draggable with your mouse cursor and once you drag it to the blue platform it will activate it the other platform that will lead you to the end of the tutorial. 

Here are some early sketches of a level we would later go on to create. In this initial design you will enter a large area where you will be forced to explore and find the movable object. Once you find the object you must traverse the platforms while bringing the object with you. After the platform you will have to get past enemy AI and drag the object on the platform to activate another platform that will lead you into the next level. We decided to rework this concept because it didn't incorporate the theme of borders  in this level.

This sketch for the most part stayed essential the same once I built the level in Unity. The player will have a line of sight of the two platforms where an object will be spawned and where it must be dragged on top of to activate something. In this case it was bridge that would all you to cross borders. In the 2nd part of the level the initial idea was to have lots of buildings placed and to hide the movable object. There would be a maze you will have to explore to open a gate while it will allow you access the object. You must use the object at the end of the level to jump on top off to reach the end of level. 

The final design of this I made for the game is remarkably similar. The main difference is that there is a parkour section that leads to a platform that will spawn the object instead of having it already exist in the level. 

That's all I have to say for now. I cannot wait for other fellow gamers to try out our game. Whether you’re experienced or new to gaming I hope yous will have an enjoyable experience.

Get Borders

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